Register your Interest!! Sports Fair - Tuesday 20th September 10am - 4pm

What's on offer?

Sheffield Hallam Rowing Club is a popular and growing club at Hallam with opportunities for all abilities and welcomes both social and competitive members. The training programme is based at Pearson Gym, Collegiate Campus and Damflask Reservoir (for water sessions) which includes: technique, fitness, strength & conditioning (S&C) and erg-based training.

The club previously benefitted from £10K of Sport England funding to invest in new boats to get more students rowing at Hallam.

Hallam Rowing attends a number of events throughout the year that include: BUCS indoors, BUCS Regatta and BUCS 8's Head, as well as some residential training camps that have previously included Holme Pierrepont.

Training Times:

Monday| 19:15 - 20:15 S&C

Tuesday| 19:00 - 20:30 ERGS

Wednesday| 17:00 - 18:00 Circuits 

Thursday| 17:30 - 19:00 ERGS

Friday| 19:00 -20:00 S&C

Saturday| Morning Water Session (permitting availability)

Taster Sessions:

We are running training taster sessions for all abilities from Monday the 26th until Friday the 30th of September. The sessions will be very similar to our normal training sessions, however, the S&C sessions will have an introductory presentation beforehand to promote S&C.

Everyone is welcome! Just let us know by contacting us before via the Sports Fair or by our Social media pages.

If you are struggling to find us, message us before training and we can come and meet you at reception or another familiar spot.

Social Sport

Regular Row Fit sessions are run throughout the year at Pearson Gym, to give beginners opportunities to get to grips with the basics of indoor rowing on ergs, as well as providing general fitness training for all abilities. Opportunities are available for students to develop coaching skills by leading the sessions as Student Sport Activator volunteers.

Saturdays: Endcliffe Park Run (9am Endcliffe Park)

Get involved

By helping to fundraise for our main chosen charity The Danny Porter Foundation for 2019/2020 as well as volunteering to help the wider community in Sheffield.

Try out for the team

Register your interest here or at Sports Fair (Tuesday 20th September) and follow us @hallamrowing on Instagram and Twitter :)))

We look forward to seeing you in September!!



Our Committee

Committee Members


  • Currently no committee members

Charity, Equality & Diversity Officer

Club Captain

Communications/Promotions Officer

  • Currently no committee members

Equality & Diversity Officer

  • Currently no committee members

Equipment & Kit Officer

Equipment Officer

  • Currently no committee members

Health & Safety Officer

  • Currently no committee members

Kit Officer

  • Currently no committee members

Men's Captain


Promotions & Alumni Officer

  • Currently no committee members

Safety & Training Officer

  • Currently no committee members


Social Secretary

  • Currently no committee members

Social Secretary & Media Officer



Women's Captain

Committee Members


  • Currently no committee members

Charity, Equality & Diversity Officer

Club Captain

Communications/Promotions Officer

  • Currently no committee members

Equality & Diversity Officer

  • Currently no committee members

Equipment & Kit Officer

Equipment Officer

  • Currently no committee members

Health & Safety Officer

  • Currently no committee members

Kit Officer

  • Currently no committee members

Men's Captain


Promotions & Alumni Officer

  • Currently no committee members

Safety & Training Officer

  • Currently no committee members


Social Secretary

  • Currently no committee members

Social Secretary & Media Officer



Women's Captain

Our Events

No events currently available

Finances Request


No elections are currently running

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