What's on offer?

Sheffield Hallam University LIfting Club offers a space for supportive training with friends, with coaching available for both powerlifting and weightlifting. We are open to all abilities with people who train for fun and others who train to compete. This includes local meets all the way to national events.

We care about hard work before numbers and are excited to foster a community of like-minded individuals at Hallam who can assist each other on their lifting journies.

We train within the University and have trips to other gyms within the country, allowing members to see other strength-based gyms.

When competing we have a solid and supportive team of coaches and fellow teammates that can help you on the day to ensure you have the best chance of reaching your standards.

Training Times

We train at the Strength and Conditioning Suite at Collegiate Campus on;

Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays 11 till 1 


While training hard is important we also emphasise looking after your mental health through social events. Whether we're getting food as a team, going on walks, going on nights out or even playing mini golf together there will be no lack of things to do with your fellow teammates. 

Check the WhatsApp group for more information!

Joining the team

Send us a message on our Instagram page @SHULC or come down to the Strength and Conditioning Suite to talk to our committee. 

Memberships and Programming

We offer two types of membership:

The Team Hallam Ultimate Membership (£260) includes access to the S&C suite, gym and team training sessions all year round. You will additionally get a BUCS universal membership giving you access to fitness facilities in over 50 higher education institutions free or charge. 

The Team Hallam Membership (£160) includes access to the gym all year round, but have access to the S&C suite for team training sessions ONLY. You will additionally get a BUCS universal membership giving you access to fitness facilities in over 50 higher education institutions free or charge. 

For people already training with other teams but looking to get better technique and maybe compete in something new, we offer a reduced membership of £20.

Our Committee

Committee Members


  • Currently no committee members

Development Officer

  • Currently no committee members

Equality & Diversity Officer (Female)

  • Currently no committee members

Equality & Diversity Officer (Male)

  • Currently no committee members

Equipment & Kit Officer

Men's Captain

Men's Mental Health Officer



Social Media Secretary

  • Currently no committee members

Social Secretary



Women's Captain

  • Currently no committee members

Women's Mental Health Officer

  • Currently no committee members

Committee Members


  • Currently no committee members

Development Officer

  • Currently no committee members

Equality & Diversity Officer (Female)

  • Currently no committee members

Equality & Diversity Officer (Male)

  • Currently no committee members

Equipment & Kit Officer

Men's Captain

Men's Mental Health Officer



Social Media Secretary

  • Currently no committee members

Social Secretary



Women's Captain

  • Currently no committee members

Women's Mental Health Officer

  • Currently no committee members

Our Events

No events currently available

Finances Request


No elections are currently running

Join Us!

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